
If you’ve got experience in professional audio, video, and lighting integration and are looking for an opportunity to join a new team of passionate coworkers, reach out today to see what opportunities are available. Whether your background is in sales, installation, rental, or engineering and programming, we’d love to discuss and explore possibilities with you.

Cover letters should concisely portray a mix of your character, enthusiasm for the role, and unique background that qualifies you for a position on our team above all others.

Please submit your cover letter and one page resume to Sales@AdvancedAVLcom.

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Business Hours 

Sales Office: 7:30a - 4:00p
Service Department: 7:00a - 6:00p



P: 248-817-2092
F: 248-817-2093

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1026 Maplelawn Drive,
Troy, MI 48084

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